Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)


The Vladivostok Center, housed at the Far Eastern State University, is studying the impact of organized crime on the Far Eastern economy. The special features of organized crime in the Far East and its links to other Asian countries are a subject of particular interest to the Center. Using court records and other official documents, our center fellows have analyzed cases involving the illegal sales of military equipment, infiltration of organized crime in the shipping and fishing industries, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, cybercrime and cybersecurity. All of the Center’s research is available on its website, which is one of the most visited and quoted sources on organized crime in Russia.

Publications from the Vladivostok Center

Contact Information:

Far Eastern State University
P.O. Box14-126
690014 Vladivostok-14, Russia
Director: Dr. Vitali A. Nomokonov
Coordinator: Viktoria Chernyshova
Telephone: 7- (4232) 51-53-29
Fax: 7 – (4232) 51-53-21
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.crime.vl.ru