In response to the dramatic upsurge in opioid addiction rates and the number of lethal overdoses in the United States, TraCCC conducted research and disseminated information on the dynamics on the illicit trade behind the epidemic, and potential paths forward.
The project ran from Fall 2017 to Winter 2018 and focused on the following activities:
1. Monitoring developments involving opioid trafficking in the United States.
2. Assessing the global scale and structure of opioid trafficking to and within the United States; with a particular focus on fentanyl sales.
3. Examining linkages between opioid trafficking and other systemic problems including human trafficking and transnational organized crime.
4. Facilitating learning through symposia and conferences directed at key stakeholders and interested members of the public. Examples include the events on October 18, 2017 and April 19, 2018 as well as in the subsequent conference reports.