Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)


Through its four overseas research centers in VladivostokChelyabinskSaratov and Stavropol , TraCCC fulfills its dual mission of researching and documenting trends in organized crime and corruption in Russia and devising country-specific legislative and policy methods to address these crimes.

Utilizing their teams of leading scholars and practitioners, each center/project identifies issues of organized crime and corruption affecting their specific region and offers legislative and policy solutions. TraCCC scholars and practitioners have testified before the Russian Federation Council, the Russian State Duma, and the Human Trafficking Legislative working group, and have given briefings on various aspects of organized crime and corruption to law enforcement agencies, high-level government officials, NGO leaders, foreign embassy personnel and representatives of supranational institutions.

In an effort to train the next generation of Russian law enforcement and government leaders in methods of identifying and addressing organized and corrupt crimes, TraCCC affiliates in Russia have introduced new academic courses on these subjects in institutes of higher learning all across the Russian Federation.

In addition, each research center compiles monthly press surveys highlighting regional trends in organized crime and corruption through media sources and other venues. Efforts to disseminate this information include publishing articles and books, holding public seminars and training sessions, participating in international conferences, and advising law enforcement agencies, government officials and policymakers on organized crime and corruption issues. Current research topics include corruption in the military industrial complex, links between law enforcement and organized crime, drug trafficking, environmental crimes, and labor exploitation and trafficking in human beings.