Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)


The Chelyabinsk Center, housed at the South Urals State University, was established in June 2006. Since its establishment, the Center has hosted several national academic seminars on general issues of organized crime and corruption, as well as a roundtable focused on computer crime.

The Center’s research has focused, among other issues, on drug trafficking, corruption in the region, violation of intellectual property rights, crime among migrants, and tax crimes. The Center’s website is currently being developed and updated with the Center’s research, as well as its monthly press reviews.

Contact Information:

South Urals State University
Prospekt Lenina 76
Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080
Coordinator: Raul Hashimov
Telephone: 7- (3512) 278 51 87
E-mail: dadvocat@mail.ru
Website: http://cheltraccc.susu.ac.ru/