Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)

ISIS Expansion with Affiliate in Mozambique Increases Terrorist Group’s Threat

TraCCCJan 31, 2022
Co-authored by Dr. Mahmut Cengiz and Emma Sameth, January 29, 2022. Published in…

ISIS or al-Qaeda: Which Looms as the Greater Threat to Global Security?

TraCCCJan 11, 2022
Authored by Dr. Mahmut Cengiz. Published in the Small Wars Journal on January 10,…

New Threats in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Taliban’s Capacity, Tehrik-i Taliban, and ISIS-Khorasan

TraCCCDec 20, 2021
Authored by Dr. Mahmut Cengiz. December 11, 2021, in Modern Diplomacy. URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2021/12/11/new-threats-in-afghanistan-and-pakistan-talibans-capacity-tehrik-i-taliban-and-isis-khorasan/…

The Illusion of Peace: Rural Colombia in the Post-agreement—The Case of Policarpa

TraCCCDec 16, 2021
Chapter authored by Dr. Camilo Pardo-Herrera and Dr. Raquel Victorino-Cubillos. Ch. 6 of…

After Afghanistan Collapse, Iraqis Fear They Could Be Next

TraCCCSep 10, 2021
Authored by Bilal Wahab Published in Foreign Policy on August 19, 2021 URL: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/08/19/afghanistan-withdrawal-iraq-iran-militias-kurdistan-peshmerga/…