Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)

The Coming Tsunami of Illicit Antiquities from Afghanistan

TraCCCSep 10, 2021
Authored by Louise Shelley and Michael Gfoeller, Published in Inkstick Media https://inkstickmedia.com/the-coming-tsunami-of-illicit-antiquities-from-afghanistan/…

Why We Must Confront the Growing Threat to National Security Posed by Illicit Economies and Cesspools of Corruption and Organized Crime

TraCCCJul 23, 2021
Authored by David Luna. Published in Morning Consult. URL: https://morningconsult.com/opinions/why-we-must-confront-the-growing-threat-to-national-security-posed-by-illicit-economies-and-cesspools-of-corruption-and-organized-crime/…

Names Are Never Only Names: A Nominal Analysis of Terrorist Organizations

TraCCCApr 23, 2021
Authors: Mahmut Cengiz, PhD. and Kutluer Karademir, PhD.; Studies in Conflict & Terrorism;…