Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)

Republic of Georgia

Projects in the Republic of Georgia

Established by TraCCC in January 2003, the Georgia Office operates as a non-partisan think-tank for US and Georgian officials, governments, and all interested groups in both countries. The Georgia Office serves as an objective source of information on issues of organized crime and corruption for policymakers and society in general.

The goal of the Georgia Office is to attract and foster the research of experts in the field of organized crime and corruption who will then be able not only to contribute to policy debates and scholarship on these issues, but also to train others in this field. The Georgia Office’s research is publicized through mass media, newspapers, newsletters, and its website. In addition, the Office conducts public outreach and training on topics of organized crime and corruption and their relation to Georgian social and economic development.

Research conducted by the Georgia Office focuses on four major research areas: corruption in the energy sector; corruption in the transport sector; corruption and international assistance; and cross-border issues.

The Georgia Office has co-hosted two major NATO conferences on cross-border issues and the impact of maritime terrorism on energy security in the Mediterranean.

Contact Information:

16, Pasanauri str., II entrance, I floor, apart. 15,
Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: (+995 32) 55 01 77; 23 32 04
Fax: (+995 32) 55 01 78
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.traccc.cdn.ge

Research Project on Money Laundering in Georgia

TraCCC initiated its project on money laundering in Georgia in January 2002 and completed project work in May 2008. The project was funded by the US Department of Justice at the request of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia. This interdisciplinary project addressed the diverse forms and costs of money laundering

Phase Two of TraCCC’s project to study money laundering in Georgia sought to develop human capacity to address issues of money laundering and financial crimes, by integrating the project with the research capabilities of our Georgia Office. Researchers included personnel in the banking sector, Ministry of Finance, other Georgian Governmental agencies, Parliament, and NGOs. The project examined key areas of money laundering in Georgia to help define and target training and technical assistance programs for Georgia in the money laundering area. It also provided expertise to assist in the passage of money laundering legislation and to ensure effective implementation of the law if and when it is passed.

Since being incorporated as a research arm of the Georgia Office, the project enables researchers to access needed websites and materials to adequately prepare legislation and conduct research and analysis in the field. The research results will include publications, a multi-language website on money laundering with links to project research products, and policy recommendations. Current research focuses on money laundering through the transportation sector, energy sector, export-import operations, contraband trade. The project also studies administrative corruption and examines the role that administrative reform can play in combating money laundering.

Click here for a list of publications.