Ukraine: Odessa and Zaporizhzhya
Note: TraCCC funding helped found and sustain the efforts of the Odessa and Zaporizhzhya centers. Since 1 Feb 2005, TraCCC has no longer been the official sponsor of the programs detailed below. However, TraCCC continues to support their sustained efforts to research and document trends in organized crime and corruption in Ukraine.
Odessa Organized Crime Analytical Research Project
The Odessa Organized Crime Analytical Research Project, hosted by the Odessa National Law Academy, is an informational resource center in Odessa on issues and trends of organized crime in Ukraine, particularly in Odessa and Odessa Oblast, including illegal migration, human trafficking, illegal weapons trade, drug business, etc. The Center maintains an analytical information web portal which is comprised of news, an on-line library with research articles, press and publication reviews, digests, statistical data on issues of organized crime in Ukraine and abroad as well as regional, national and international methods on combating the organized crime.
Contact Information:
Odessa Organized Crime and Corruption Research Center
National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Department of Criminology and Penal Law, 2 Pionerskaya St., Odessa, 65059, Ukraine
Director: Dr. V.N. Dryomin, Vice Rector for Research, Head of the Department of Criminology and Penal Law of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Doctor of Law, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine
Tel/Fax: +380-482-63-64-04
E-mail: [email protected]
Zaporizhzhya Computer Crime Research Center
The Zaporizhzhya Computer Crime Research Center (CCRC) is a non-profit organization which conducts extensive research on the problems of computer crime and cyber terrorism. The mission of the CCRC is to research problems of e-crime and e-terrorism and warn about unlawful acts involving computer and information technologies. The Center is located in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, and is composed of professionals dedicated to education in the field of preventing and investigating cyber crime and cyber terrorism. Dr. Vladimir Golubev, Director of the CCRC, is the author of 6 books, over 60 journal, articles and book chapters, and numerous conference papers on the topic. Among CCRC members there are many Ukrainian and international research professionals.
CCRC’s website is one of the best Ukrainian daily updated information resources on e-crime issues. Weekly Russian and English “Computer Crime Research News” e-subscriptions are also available from the Center.
Contact Information:
Computer Crime Research Center
70-B Zhukovskogo St.
Zaporizhzhya, 69002
Director: Dr. Vladimir Golubev
Tel/Fax: +380-61-220-1283
E-mail: [email protected]