Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)

Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center

The Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center (GTTAC)

The Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center (GTTAC) is a five-year collaborative project in which TraCCC staff and students are working under the leadership of Development Services Group (DSG) to provide the data and analysis for the U.S. State Department’s congressionally mandated Statistical Annex for the Annual Country Reports on Global Terrorism.

The project uses AI to identify open-source reporting on terrorist incidents around the world. TraCCC’s role is to train data entry staff, do country methodologies, analyze the data, research each incident that meets criteria, collect information on the perpetrators, victims, weapons and tactics related to the incident, and enter them into a database. This research requires analysis of different media sources in the languages of the countries involved, so the TraCCC team includes native speakers of a wide variety of languages, including French, Spanish, Arabic, Somali, Russian, Turkish, and Pashtun. Our staff includes students and alumni from schools and departments throughout George Mason University (Schar School, Carter School, Scalia Law School, Criminology Department, Engineering School, etc.)

For more information on the Statistical Annex

Background Information: Country Reports on Terrorism and Patterns of Global Terrorism

For TraCCC scholars’ recent publications on terrorism, click here.

If you are interested in joining our team, please send a resume to [email protected]